Categories: Baby

Reclaiming Your Inner Zen in the Beautiful Chaos of Motherhood: Teleclass Re-cap

    Find Family Friendly Activities

    Motherhood is the most wonderful, wild, unpredictable adventure! Filled with highs, lows, peaks and valleys, it’s bound to throw even the most relaxed moms for a loop. If you ever feel overwhelmed, know this: you’re NOT alone.

    What if you could make a quick modification to your daily routine and skyrocket your confidence, happiness and peace of mind in ways that will blow you away? What if this shift could add MORE enjoyment and MORE satisfaction to your life as a mom immediately? Would you do it? Of course you would!

    Coach, author and mom, Jenny Fenig, led an amazing teleclass this week on finding moms’ inner zen, generously sponsored by Weleda. During the class, Jenny explored the secret to why women suffer and how you can break free from the vicious cycle, how to instantly experience Inner Zen free from stress, worries, and drama, the most critical piece of the motherhood puzzle, steering clear of the overwhelm that comes with being a certified domestic juggler, listening to your Inner Voice about what feels right for your child, you and your family, and dealing with the contradictory tips and suggestions the whole world seems to have about parenting.

    In case you missed it, you can listen to the recorded teleclass HERE.

    Weleda was founded in 1921 and we have been making skin care products using only pure, natural ingredients ever since. Our Calendula Baby Care is the best-selling natural baby care in Europe, and available in the U.S. at Whole Foods Market, buybuy Baby, natural health food stores and at usa.weleda.com.

    We’d also like to share a blog on 10 Ways to Remove Stress and Worries, by Katie Horgan and originally posted on the Mommybites blog:

    Being a mom is one of the most fulfilling roles you can have. However, it does have its own quirks and turns, which can overwhelm you at times. Nonetheless, these don’t have to take their toll on you. Here are 10 ways to remove stress and worries.

    This can be done in 5 simple steps. First, sit up straight with your feet flat on the floor. Second, close your eyes. Third, recite a positive mantra—like “I am happy” or “I am at peace”— aloud or in silence. Fourth, sync the mantra with your breath by placing one hand on your belly. Lastly, let distracting clouds go by like bubbles. You only need a few minutes of this a day in order to ease anxiety.

    Get a move on.
    This can be challenging for new moms who have to juggle domestic tasks as well as work. Nonetheless going for a walk, jogging, or even just stretching can lessen stress. Exercise facilitates the release of endorphins, which is associated with happy feelings or improved mood. It can be a diversion as well from all the challenges of being a mom. In addition, doing cardiovascular exercises increases your stamina and improves your sleep quality.

    Be present.
    Relish the moment. Parenting can be taxing if you lose sight of why you’re doing it in the first place. If you’re child asks you to play catch with him/her, focus on that activity. You’ll realize how pleasing it is to slow down and just enjoy being with your child. After all, the simple things are what make up for lasting memories. Never lose track of your simple joys.

    Take some time off.
    Motherhood is 24/7, but it doesn’t have to feel like a job. Stress and worries pile up when you don’t have time to re-energize. You have to find time to nurture yourself. You can ask your spouse, a friend or a relative to watch over your toddler while you nap or indulge in a hobby.

    Crank up the music.
    Engage your senses by listening to soothing music. Research shows that doing this lowers heart rate, blood pressure as well as anxiety. Your playlist can include nature sounds (rustling leaves, birds chirping, the ocean, and the like), classical pieces, and tunes that help you relax. Focus on the instruments, singers, or melodies in the piece. You can likewise up the ante and blow off some steam via upbeat tunes or singing your lungs out.

    Try water therapy.
    Since you have been winding the music up, why not sing in the shower as well? One of the best stress relievers includes showers and baths. Let your cares float like bubbles and envision your stress and worries go down the drain. You’ll feel relieved stepping out of the shower.

    LOL. Laugh Out Loud.
    Want to lower stress hormones or cortisol? Have a good belly laugh. This will not only lighten your mental load, it will also improve your mood, thanks to endorphins. It’s as easy as enjoying a comic book, watching a sitcom, or chatting with a friend. Speaking of chatting, you can also…

    Reach out.
    There’s a reason why you have a social network (not just online). Reach out to other moms or parents. Talk to them face to face or on the phone and share what you are going through. You can establish a deeper connection and get a dose of perspective. You can also join a support group to ease your worries.

    Talk to a doctor.
    If connecting with other parents and member of your social network doesn’t cut it, seek professional help. Some anxieties or stress can be worked out best through therapies and medication.

    Be grateful.
    Keep a list of blessings or better yet, have a journal or several of them (one at your headboard or bed, another at work, and another in your purse). This will remind you of all the good things in your life.

    Counting your blessings helps create a positive outlook and cancels stress and worries.
    Write down sweet memories in your journal. It may be as simple as your child’s smile that brightens your day or a once-in-a-lifetime experience of seeing your baby’s first steps. Be sure to scribble down your accomplishments such a indulging in a new hobby or doing a new task excellently. All of these simple details add up.

    When you begin feeling worried or stressed, get your journal, browse through your blurbs and recall what truly matters.

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    The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the blog contributor’s. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Writers may have conflicts of interest, and their opinions are their own.

      Find Family Friendly Activities

      Jennifer Rojas: Jennifer Rojas is responsible for conducting our day-to-day business operations; coordinating, facilitating and marketing our online classes; and managing our team of bloggers and blog content to ensure that the Mommybites blog is an important and consistently relevant parenting advice resource. She also manages daily web site updates in order to keep our content fresh and pertinent for our community, manages email marketing, curates social media, and manages client and customer relationships. Jennifer graduated from George Mason University’s Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (ICAR) with an M.S. in Conflict Analysis and Resolution. As well as being a conflict resolution and diversity educator, she honed her operational skills during her 10+ years of managing a global eLearning program. She has since escaped the corporate cubicle and currently resides in Tel Aviv with her archaeologist husband, where she enjoys being close to the sea and getting back into life’s natural rhythms.
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