Categories: Baby

When Can You Stop Burping Your Baby?

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    After you bring home your new bundle of joy, one of the most important skills to master is the art of burping. Babies get gassy after they eat, whether they are bottle or breastfed, when air gets into their bellies. This air can make your little one uncomfortable, so they need you to help get it out! The tricky part is knowing how long they need to be burped for and when they are ready to be burped on their own.

    Every baby is different and babies cry to express many different feelings. That’s why the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends burping your baby on a regular basis, specifically during feeding breaks and when they are done eating. The AAP suggests trying to burp babies when switching breasts, if breastfeeding, or every 2-3 oz., if bottle-feeding.

    Typically, babies no longer need to be burped at around 4-9 months. Again, every little one is different, so it is recommended that parents use their knowledge of their baby to guide this decision. Overtime you’ll be able to listen and sense when your baby is distressed or uncomfortable after eating and then slowly stop burping them once they can sit up and burp on their own.

    When to Stop Burping a Baby? 

    Questions Answers

    At what age, generally, do babies no longer need to be burped?

    Most parents stop burping their babies between the ages of 4 to 6 to 9 months.

    How do I know when the baby doesn’t need bumping anymore?

    When do you stop burping babies? Sometimes babies will start to burp on their own after having a bottle, which is a signal you can try to stop.

    Are there signs that babies are ready to burp on their own?

    Often when babies sit up unsupported, they are able to burp on their own so you can stop burping them.

    Is there a specific time when to stop burping a baby?

    No. Your baby will guide you as to when it is the best time to stop burping.


    Dr. Gina Lamb – Amato MD is a general pediatrician and developmental pediatrician who practices in Manhattan, NY. She has a masters in child therapy and works with a child psychologist performing office and home consultation for newborns and parents, office and home developmental assessments, school consultations and parent-child playgroups where play and art along with baby massage and other techniques are used to help parents bond and support their child’s development. 

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      Dr. Gina Lamb-Amato: Gina is a general pediatrician and developmental pediatrician. She has a masters in child therapy and works with a child psychologist performing office and home consultation for newborns and parents, office and home developmental assessments, school consultations and parent-child playgroups where play and art along with baby massage and other techniques are used to help parents bond and support their child’s development. Formerly, Gina was the Director of Pediatric Special Medical Needs before she went into private practice where she cared for medically fragile infants and children. She is also an Early Intervention Pediatrician for Early Intervention which assesses and treats infants from age zero to 3 years. She has extensive experience in Early Head Start programs which work with infants from prenatal to 3 years of age.
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