How to Spend Your Valentine’s Day as a Parent

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    Valentine’s Day is just around the corner — a time for love, sweets, and showing the ones who matter most to you how much you care. 
    If you’re a parent, you might think that Valentine’s Day is just another excuse to buy an overpriced card from the store to give to your spouse. But, you can still enjoy the holiday as a couple, and as a family, with a little creativity. 
    It’s important on this holiday to take time out for your relationship. Being a parent doesn’t mean you aren’t still attracted to your partner or that you don’t want to go out on a nice date with them, after all. But, you can also get the whole family involved by exploring your children’s’ interests in the holiday, and explaining some of the details to them about what Valentine’s Day is all about. With that in mind, let’s look at some tips you can use this Valentine’s Day to enjoy it both with your partner and your kids. 

    Prioritizing Your Partner

    Whether you’re a fan of Valentine’s Day or not, it’s a great excuse to get some time away with your spouse or partner and reflect on the love in your relationship. As parents, it can sometimes be difficult to find alone time, but try to make it a priority on this holiday, even if it’s just for a few hours. 
    You don’t have to go “all-out” by planning an expensive dinner or making reservations somewhere. Even some last-minute date ideas can be just as special. Try making a meal together at home, sitting by a fire outside with some wine and chocolate after the kids go to bed, or even get away from the house for a while to take a fun class together, like pottery or couples’ yoga. 
    Remember, the focus of the holiday itself isn’t about what you do, it’s about how you show love to your partner in special, unique ways. Work with the time and resources you have, and the way you express that love will mean more than you could imagine to the person you’re spending your life with.

    How to Do Valentines Day with Kids

    Of course, Valentine’s Day doesn’t just have to be a romantic-only holiday. You can get the whole family involved for a special day from start to finish. Kick-off the morning with a special breakfast. Heart-shaped pancakes (or even pancakes made with beet juice to give them a red color!), fresh fruit, and smoothies will give your little loves the energy they need to get through the day. 
    You might then choose to either spend the day doing something around town, like seeing a fun family movie or going ice skating, or you could take a day trip to a museum or another town for shopping and sight-seeing. Just make sure when traveling with kids that you pack the essentials like snacks, phone chargers, and activities that will keep them entertained while you’re traveling. 
    If you’d rather stay at home, or maybe your kids have school on Valentine’s Day, you can still make the holiday special. Stick a homemade card in their backpacks before they head to school, or have holiday cards made and printed for them. Or, have them all make special Valentine’s Day cards when they get home to give to your partner, and each other! 
    We often think about Valentine’s Day as a holiday of commercial romance and chocolate. While there will always be a place for that, you don’t have to give up the holiday just because you have kids. By adding them to the fun, you can create new Valentine’s Day traditions with your family for years to come. Have fun!

    Sam Bowman writes about families, wellness, and how the two merge. He enjoys getting to utilize the internet for community without actually having to leave his house. In his spare time he likes running, reading, and combining the two in a run to his local bookstore.

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      Sam Bowman: Sam Bowman writes about families, wellness, and how the two merge. He enjoys getting to utilize the internet for community without actually having to leave his house. In his spare time he likes running, reading, and combining the two in a run to his local bookstore.
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