Has your child been struggling at school? Do you notice that they can’t seem to make things out as well as they used to? Children don’t often tell their parents that they’re having vision problems, usually because they don’t realize that’s the problem in the first place. Here are five signs that your toddler may need glasses.
1. Squinting
Children who can’t see well will often squint in order to see something better. When you squint, vision is improved for the moment. People tend to squint to compensate for a vision problem. Children with vision problems may also try to get closer to whatever they’re looking at in order to see it better.
2. Closing One Eye
Does your child close one eye when they’re trying to focus on something? If they can see well out of just one eye, this could point to some type of structural issue. You won’t be able to assess this type of thing on your own, talk to an expert who can evaluate your child’s eyesight.
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3. Closing Both Eyes
If your child frequently closes both eyes while they’re reading, watching TV or trying to focus on something, it could be because they’re getting sick or frustrated from not being able to see clearly. Poor vision can lead to nausea, headaches and dizziness, which can cause a child to close their eyes in order to get a break from the symptoms.
4. Walking Into Objects
If your child has been tripping or walking into objects, it’s possible that they can’t see well. You may think that your child is simply clumsy and that it’s a phase he or she will grow out of, but it could point to a more serious issue. Additionally, if your child has been playing sports for a while, but is now struggling on the field, it could be because their eyesight is getting worse.
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5. Difficulty Reading
When your child is learning to read, it can be hard to figure out why they’re struggling. Is it simply because learning to read is hard, or is because of a vision problem? If they’re regularly skipping lines or holding the book close to their face, it could be due to their vision.
When children get glasses to fix their vision problems, their performance in school can increase, as can their happiness. They will no longer feel frustrated at not being able to focus or concentrate. To make sure their vision stays healthy, setup annual eye exams.
Meghan Belnap is a freelance writer who enjoys spending time with her family. She loves being in the outdoors and exploring new opportunities whenever they arise. Meghan recommends scheduling an eye exam for your child with All About Eyes. Meghan finds happiness in researching new topics that help to expand her horizons. You can often find her buried in a good book or out looking for an adventure.
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