About 20 years ago I was thrilled to have Random House publish my parent guide, The Happiest Baby on the Block. In it, I shared my belief that one of the most important things for new parents to understand was a pretty unknown idea called the fourth trimester. Today, that obscure name has so thoroughly penetrated the minds of parents and doctors that the celebrated Merriam-Webster dictionary has included it in their newest edition …and I could not be prouder.
Tag: Post Partum

This Is How to Handle the Postpartum Period
Being a new mom is extremely exciting and rewarding, but it also comes with it’s challenges. It can be confusing figuring out how to add the responsibility of caring for your child into your life, and you’re going to ask a million times over, am I doing this right? Here are some postpartum tips for helping new moms ease into the whirlwind of motherhood.

Postpartum Symptoms No One Tells You About
Every new mom experiences some postpartum symptoms. Here are a few challenges you might face, and some tips for getting through them!

How to Combat the Stress of Being a New Mom
There’s nothing quite like the first few months of motherhood, and that goes double when it comes to your stress level.