The Slacker Mom’s Guide to Halloween Costumes

By Sarah E. Visbeek, author of In the Trenches of Mommyhood

I don’t know about you, but with three children, Halloween is a BIG DEAL in my Trenches and in my neighborhood. The mums, hay bales and scarecrows start cropping up as soon as the temperatures dip here in Massachusetts below 65. Neighborhood windows are adorned with ghosts, to let you know that that particular house has already been “Boo’d”.

This puts a lot of pressure on a parent, especially a working parent. Put together a Boo Bag for another neighbor? Oh crap. Sew a costume? NO WAY!

But what does one do when one has no time, no creativity, and no desire to spend a frivolous amount of money on a children’s costume?

One recycles.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Exhibit C:

Exhibit D:

And so, I keep Halloween BINS. Where old Halloween costumes go to rest until the next year. And the next year. And the next year. I buy costumes off-season. And on super-clearance-markdown. And then pray that the boys won’t ask to be something trendy like an Angry Bird or Captain America.

But so far, so good!

You can find Sarah on both Facebook & Twitter. Chat her up there too!


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