“W” sitting is a terrible position for your toddler and even extends through adolescence. This position is when he sits on the floor on his bottom with his legs out to the sides in the letter “W”.
Author: JumpingJaxNYC
Core or “Trunk” Strengthening Exercises for Babies
A strong core is essential for babies to successfully meet their developmental milestones, such as: independent sitting, pulling-to-stand, crawling and walking. A strong core also allows our babies to sustain a posture against gravity, which will aid development of their fine motor skills (small muscles in the hand), perceptual skills and communication.
Becoming Independent in Self Care
It is amazing to see how children progress from being completely dependent to self-sufficient little people. Becoming independent in self-care is a very important occupation of a child.
Breaking Down the Task
If your child is having a hard time figuring out for example, how to climb the jungle gym to get to the top of the slide, break down the task.
Happy Footwear Equals Happy Feet
There is a plethora of shoes to choose from for your little ones and with such variety, it can be easy to get confused. Happy footwear leads to happy feet.
Sensory Processing 101
Most kids can handle the everyday sensory input without even thinking about it, but some children become so focused on how these sensations feel that it can interfere with simple everyday tasks.
What is Torticollis?
Lately, as a physical therapist, I have had many referrals to treat a condition known as Torticollis or “wryneck.” This is a condition where your baby has a twist in his neck. His head is tipped down to one side, with his face turned to the other side.
Benefits of Outdoor Play
Not only is the playground a wonderful opportunity to expend energy and hang out with friends, but it is also a way for our body to work on big muscle skills.