Summer vacation has its highs and lows with, normally, more than enough going on. Many families’ nutrition levels fall drastically – with the food budget edging up at the same time – through the summer months. Who has time to cook? Truth be told, not parents. Keep the budget down and the nutrition level up […]
Author: Aviela Deitch

Planning Ahead to Make the Most of Summer Vacation
Ready or not, here it comes! Summer vacation is very quickly creeping upon parents all over the northern hemisphere. Being ready makes it easier, cheaper and more enjoyable for parents and children alike. Print out or find your June-July-August calendar pages and let’s get to work! First, take a look at your outside child care […]

Suspecting Special Needs?
You’ve read a lot, have younger siblings, headed up a babysitting empire, have older children or just have that parent’s hunch. You may be suspecting an issue concerning the proper development of your child. I know I did. After having four children with more or less normative development patterns, number five was noticeably different. At […]
Surviving Car Travel with Squabbling Siblings
Under normal circumstances, normal parents might not consider forcing squabble-prone siblings into a confined area together. Still, we (normal parents) do this over and over, every time we have to get somewhere in the car. Sometimes, that somewhere is an unavoidably very, very long drive away. I’ll first gloss quickly over the options I have […]

Preparing Your Child For Minor Surgery
Be it tubes or tonsils, cyst, hernia or un-descended testicles, it isn’t rare to find yourself accompanying your child to some sort of procedure, somewhere along the way. While undoubtedly a scary time, it is of utmost importance to your child that you remain collected and organized. Do your best to make sure that your […]