As a parent of a kindergartner, I get a lot of emails from my son’s school. These messages are pretty routine, but I recently received one that really made me smile. The message described the Buddy Bench, which is a bench on the school playground that you can sit on if you need someone to […]
Author: Child Mind Institute

This Mom Is Experiencing Valentine’s Day Pressure
The holiday decorations and the wrapping paper have barely been put away. In fact, I still see Christmas lights on the house down the street. Despite this, boxes of valentines and candy have been on the shelves in Target for at least a week. So as a mother of a kindergartener, it’s time to think […]

Trick or Treat
It’s hard to believe that it’s already fall and school is well underway. Along with apple picking and homework, it also means that Halloween is fast approaching. For many kids, this is a very exciting time because it means two incredibly important things – costumes and candy! But while it’s easy to get the toothbrush […]

Managing Back To School What Ifs, Worries, and Uncertainties
As a child and adolescent psychologist, I’m relishing the excitement of the summer season as the kids I work with tell me about their camps, vacations, days at the pool or beach, and freedom from homework and school. At the same time, August has arrived and that first day of the new school year is […]

Summertime Bonding for Families
Memorial Day and July 4th have passed, school is out, and it’s officially summertime. The longer days, combined with more relaxed work schedules for many parents, make summer the ideal time to take a family vacation, spend weekends outdoors and generally enjoy some quality time with family and friends. It’s very important to take advantage […]

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It’s Off to Camp We’ll Go!
The sun is shining. The birds are singing. School is almost over and kids are packing their things and getting ready to head off to sleep-away camp. This can be a very exciting time for both returning campers and for those going away for the first time. For returning campers, there have probably been lots […]

Getting Back on Track After School Breaks
Vacations and school breaks are a great way for kids (and adults) to unwind, relax, and have a break from their day-to-day responsibilities. Kids don’t have to wake up early, pay attention all day, do homework – and if they are really lucky, they may get a break on chores and bedtimes too. This break […]

The Valentine’s Day Phone Pact
My husband and I are expecting our first child a few weeks after Valentine’s Day. The proximity to the “day of love” and just the pure excitement of meeting our little one has our hearts all a-flutter. It’s also set the stage for many a philosophical conversation about what kind of parents we will be, […]