As you close in on your due date, most expecting parents will begin to think about “scheduling.” Will I feed on demand or every 3 hours? Will my child nap on a schedule or whenever they’re tired? Should napping always happen in the crib or can they nap in the swing, car seat, stroller, as […]
Author: Dana Rosenbloom

A Comprehensive Guide to Special Instruction Early Intervention
One of the most important parts of a Special Instructors’ role is to collaborate with a child’s most important people: his parents and caregivers. As educators, the primary goal is to meet your individual child’s developmental needs. We want to help them develop age appropriate play skills and meet milestones.

Outdoor Play and Your Child’s Development
While some of us focus on the political state of our country, I am focused on the politics of the playground – specifically, recess. Truly not just recess, but all unstructured outdoor playtime set aside for young children. As parents today struggle with carefully planning their children’s schedules, it’s important that they define the line across which their children go from being enriched, to being overscheduled. In schools, the quest for higher standardized test scores has recess being cut out and extra class-time added in.

Can You Discipline A Baby?
Now that my baby is on the go, she’s touching and getting into things she shouldn’t. Sometimes what she’s doing is not safe and sometimes I just don’t want her to touch it. But I don’t want to turn into one of those parents who says, “No!” all the time. Can you really discipline a […]

What Should My Baby Be Doing? Part 2
I read all the websites about how a baby is supposed to develop during the first year, but it leaves me more confused than anything. How do I know what my baby should be doing physically – and when I should worry? I hear this question a lot, and with good reason. Not everyone comes […]

What Should My Baby Be Doing? (Part One)
I read all the websites about how a baby is supposed to develop during the first year, but it leaves me more confused than anything. How do I know what my baby should be doing physically and when I should worry? I hear this question a lot, and with good reason. Not everyone comes to […]

Is Tummy Time Really Important?
What’s the story with tummy time? I know I’m supposed to do it but my baby hates it! Is it really important? Great question! I hear this one a lot, since no one wants to see a baby uncomfortable. That said, yes, tummy time is as important as “they” say. The Back to Sleep campaign began […]

Supporting Your Young Child’s Emotional Health
What an interesting time to be writing about the emotional health and well-being of children. The plan to have this as the topic of this article happened long before the threat and onset of Hurricane Sandy, but now seems unfortunately appropriate. Acknowledging and managing young children’s feelings has long been a hot topic. When they […]