Whether it is walking to school or play dates or just walking to the car, it is so important to dress properly in the cold weather. This winter time of year, children can get quite cranky from being stuck indoors all day long, and it is fun to play outside when it snows; however, you […]
Author: Dr Alison Mitzner

Milestones Continued: 12 months to 2 years of Age
Motor Development Now that your child is one year old, you will start to see how much more she moves around! Babies become more aware of everything around them and also with themselves. They start walking, running, climbing up stairs, throwing, dancing and kicking. They will start doing coloring, puzzles, building towers and imitating all […]

Toilet Training!
Toilet training is a major milestone for your toddler – and for you! It is no wonder there are so many questions and concerns that arise on this topic. Some basics to consider There is no right age. Some children are ready as early as 18 months or two years, while others are not ready […]

Newborn Rashes
Having a newborn is so exciting. However, often a big source of concern for many parents is newborn rashes, which are very common. The good news is that most are benign and get better quickly with minimal treatment. There are some however that require treatment and if your baby seems unwell or you are concerned, […]

Keeping Summer Safe for Your Children
As a mom, I love summer. It is such a great time to enjoy the outdoors – beaches, parks, swimming and more. And as a mom and a pediatrician, I also know that applying sunblock to your little one (except babies younger than 6 months) is easier said than done and one battle worth fighting […]