Back-to-school time is upon us already! Whether your child is just starting out at school or a seasoned school goer, it’s important to prepare yourselves for the start of a new school year. We reached out to development expert, Dana Rosenbloom, to provide us with some tips and resources on the separation process, the parent or caregiver’s role, and […]
Author: Jennifer Rojas

Finding and Hiring a Nanny: Teleclass Re-Cap
This week, we held an important and informative teleclass, generously sponsored by, on how to find, interview and hire a Nanny. Our presenter, Tammy Gold from Gold Parent Coaching, explored strategies in sourcing and maintaining the best nanny for your family. Tammy went over such points as what a nanny does, how much a […]
The Role of Play at School and Home: A Foundation for Lifelong Learning – Teleclass Re-Cap
This week, we held a highly informative (and fun!) teleclass on the role and importance of play, generously sponsored by Explore + Discover and expertly facilitated by early childhood educators, Renee Bock and Jacqueline Marks. Renee and Jacqueline helped participants to deepen their understanding of play, its relationship to development, learning, and how to recognize and […]

Building Your Tool Kit For Labor & Delivery: Teleclass Re-Cap
We recently held a teleclass, which was a MUST for all expecting parents! Expertly facilitated by doula and pre-natal specialist Deb Flashenberg and generously sponsored by Daddy & Company, the class covered such topics as exercises to help get ready for labor, proven pain management techniques, epidurals, Lamaze techniques, finding and hiring a doula, delivery day […]

Travel Safety & Tips for Babies and Toddlers: Teleclass Re-Cap
It’s almost summer – and that means many families are getting ready to hit the road or skies for family trips! Incorrectly installed car seats are the leading cause of death in children under 12. Parents often wonder how to better install car seats in their own cars as well as when traveling in rentals […]

Understanding Post-Partum Depression: Teleclass Re-cap
Postpartum depression is one of the most common complications of childbirth, affecting 15-20% of women. Understanding the causes and symptoms of postpartum depression is essential so that help can be sought. With the right treatment and support, a woman suffering from PPD can regain her health and begin to enjoy her role as mother. This […]

Parenting 101 – What Every Expectant and New Parent Should Know: Teleclass Re-Cap
Imagine having a dedicated hour with a pediatrician to get ALL your burning new mom questions answered – as we rarely get the opportunity to ask all the questions we want and our time is often limited and even rushed. Well, participants were in luck when one of the country’s top pediatricians from Weill Cornell […]

Promoting Brain Development Through Play and Nurture: Teleclass Re-Cap
Did you know that you have the ability to make a difference in the brain development of your child? Expertly facilitated by Deborah McNelis, MS.ed and generously sponsored by Happy Family, participants in this session left with practical tips that can be implemented immediately to make a difference in their children’s brain development! Debroah led a rich discussion on the […]