Mommybites Chit-Chat: Conversations with luminaries, entrepreneurs and influencers in the parenting world Tell us a little about you (your background, your job, what makes you tick or anything else you think our Mommybites moms will find interesting). I’m the Founder & CEO of Momtrends Media, a million-dollar brand providing busy women with a daily dose […]
Author: Jennifer Rojas

Children’s Acting and Modeling 101: Teleclass Re-cap
When it comes to getting your child into acting or modeling, you might be wondering… Where do I start? What does the process look like? Does my child have “the right stuff’? This week, we held Children’s Acting and Modeling 101, a new and exciting teleclass hosted by Susan Weinberg, a successful agent and talent […]

The ABCs of Swaddling: Teleclass Re-cap
Most parents are taught about the comfort and benefits that are achieved from swaddling, which has been practiced for hundreds of years. What we don’t know from the get-go is what a pain it can be. Wrapping baby. Re-wrapping baby. Wrapping baby. Rewrapping baby… and so on. This week, he held a highly informative and […]

How to Help the Medicine Go Down: Teleclass Re-cap
Do you struggle to get your kids to take their medicine? When your little one is feeling under the weather, the last thing you want to do is battle over getting them to take the medicine they need to feel better. We recently held a very helpful, empowering teleclass with Sonia Patel, Chief Pharmacist at […]

Everything Moms Need to Know about Breastfeeding Basics: Teleclass Re-cap
We recently held an informative and important teleclass for expectant and new moms, generously sponsored by Lansinoh and presented by Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC) and nationally-renowned breastfeeding expert, Gina Ciagne. Gina covered such topics as preparing for breastfeeding before baby arrives, tips to overcome some of the most common breastfeeding issues – like engorgement and […]

Celebrate Breastfeeding Awareness Month This August
We are so excited to announce that Mommybites was selected by LatchPal as a top breastfeeding resource! Breastfeeding Awareness Month is in August, and to show support we are celebrating with a big BAM Giveaway with LatchPal & Friends! Get your FREE guide with all the top nursing brands with exclusive deals and resources – […]

Oral Health: From Pregnancy to Birth, Baby & Beyond – Teleclass Re-cap
Starting proper oral hygiene early is imperative to life-long healthy teeth and gums. Caregivers play a crucial role in educating and training children to develop “good habits” but they often don’t know how or where to start. We recently held an important teleclass on oral health, expertly facilitated by Oral Care Consultant, Marisa Salas, and […]

Allergies: Independence and Safety in the Outside World- Teleclass Recap
The number of children with food allergies is skyrocketing. It’s changing the landscape of food at home, in schools, on airplanes and in restaurants. And it’s changing how we think about what we are feeding our families. Today, 1 in 13 children has a food allergy, the number of children with the peanut allergy quadrupled […]