Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Son-in-Law Threatens to Keep Grandchildren from Mother-in-Law
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Mother Not Wanted at Memorial Service

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Mother Not Wanted at Memorial Service

My sister Nora recently died unexpectedly from a heart attack. Nora’s son Ted was married to Carla; they are the parents of 10-year-old twins, Eddie and Mac, who were very close to Nora and are heartsick over the loss of their grandmother (their paternal grandfather died long before they were born). Nora confided in me […]

The Squabbling Grandparents
Request to Grandparents: Get Your Affairs in Order

Request to Grandparents: Get Your Affairs in Order

Dear Readers, Young parents and grandparents alike have asked me about various issues related to wills, living wills, long-term healthcare and arrangements for death. For example, one grandmother says, “For the life of me I cannot get my husband to talk about his wishes regarding his death and remains. Even though we’re only in our […]

Readers Respond to Guilt-Ridden Grandfather

Readers Respond to Guilt-Ridden Grandfather

Many readers responded to my column “Grandfather Is Guilt-Ridden about Grandson’s Accident” with an outpouring of empathy, encouragement and sharing of their own experiences. The responses seemed to reflect three major themes, with the first theme along the lines of the phrase made famous in 1510 by John Bradford, who served Henry VIII of England, as […]

Grandparents Worry That Wealth Will Spoil Their Grandchildren
Grandfather Is Guilt-Ridden About Grandson’s Accident
Our Son and His Family Are Temporarily Living with Us