2020 has been the year of evaluating relationships, new and old. Dr. Gramma Karen gives some inspiration for the year ahead with readers’ comments on how their relationships changed in 2020.
Author: Dr. Karen Rancourt

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Granddaughter Is a Habitual Liar
I am contacting you because I have been asked for advice and I am at a loss. My friend Helene is the grandmother of Debby, age 13. Helene describes her granddaughter as obese, a trashy dresser, and a habitual liar. She lies about what she eats, claims she has a boyfriend who doesn’t really exist, […]

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: My Grandson Is Repeating Misinformation
Misinformation is popular these days, and it can cause strife among family members. Here is Dr. Gramma Karen’s advice for turning misinformation into a teaching moment for young people.

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Explaining “How Could You Vote That Way?”
With the results of the recent presidential election finalized, many find themselves baffled as to how one candidate could receive so many votes. Dr. Gramma Karen has some insight into these voting decisions with what she calls the “Yeah…but…” phenomenon.

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Grandparents Question Participation Trophies
Our grandchildren (grade-school age) have started playing sports. We are wondering about the phenomena of giving every child a trophy, no matter the outcome of his/her season. To us, it seems like an idea that doesn’t help children deal with defeat, the value of practice and trying again, hard work and teamwork – in other […]

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Successful Parent-Grandparent Relationships in Two Words
The parent-grandparent relationship is a tricky one. Read along as Dr. Gramma Karen investigates her own advice to discover the two-word key for healthy relationships for both parents and grandparents.

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Grandmother Is Denied Access to Her Grandchildren
I have not seen my grandkids for ten months. My son-in-law teases me, scolds me, and even assaulted me once by jerking an iPad from my hands. I emailed my daughter about it and she doesn’t believe me. He does it when she is not looking. My daughter ignores my emails. I am worried because […]

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Jack Levine, Guest Columnist, With a Holiday Message
The holiday season can be a season of stress when it comes to gifts. Rather than monetary gifts, consider giving gifts from the heart with these suggestions from guest columnist Jack Levine.