You’ve just given birth to your beautiful baby. Things are both chaotic and wonderful, but you have very little chance to take care of you. Getting sleep feels like a luxury, let alone finding time to exercise!! And yet, your body has changed, and it would be wonderful to work on how to get back into shape after your pregnancy.
Author: mahrirelin
Mahri Relin, owner of Body Conceptions, is a NASM certified personal trainer and an AFPA Pre/Post Natal Exercise Specialist. Deemed one of the two “Best Body Sculpting Workouts” in New York City by Vogue, Mahri and Body Conceptions have been featured in Redbook, DuJour, Fitness Magazine, The New York Times, Vogue and Well + Good. Mahri was a trainer for Tracy Anderson and Creative Director for FlyBarre at Flywheel Sports. Among their other services, the Body Conceptions studio has a full roster of pre- and postnatal certified personal trainers who help women maintain strength, stamina and muscle tone before and during their pregnancies and return to their pre-baby bodies quickly.

How Do I Make Fitness Happen as a Mom?
As a trainer specializing in pre- and post-natal fitness, I have heard these questions many times: “I WANT to get back in shape, but how can I possibly make it happen with my new baby? How can I possibly find the time?” Many new moms know that exercising will help them regain their pre-baby strength […]