If you’ve ever strolled in Central Park, you have seen that there are thousands of benches throughout the park. Each with a unique view, providing a place to take a break, feed a baby, rest tired feet, have a chat, read a book or just take a moment to take in the true splendor of […]
Author: Mina McKiernan
Prior to becoming a stay at home mom, Mina was an HR Recruiter for years. Now her time is spent happily juggling the demands of two daughters while trying to expose them to the endless adventures the city has to offer.

This Is How I Bonded with My Daughter on Walks to School
On the last day of school, my daughter woke up early and bounced into my bedroom fully dressed and ready to go. By chance, she had chosen the very same top she had worn on the first day of school. In September, it looked more like a tunic, coming halfway down to her knees. Now, […]

Milestones Run Deep on the Shallow End
As a parent, each milestone reached by our children is thrilling. There are the greatly anticipated ones, like crawling, walking and talking. Some come about earlier than expected and the surprise factor is just as exciting as the actual rite of passage.