Piles of toys on the floor, untidy sheets on the bed — does this sound like your kids’ bedrooms? Ask parents everywhere, and most of them would admit that their children’s bedrooms are a nightmare. What with all the clutter, it’s almost impossible to clean up the mess and put things back in order. Asking […]
Author: Patricia Evans
Patricia Evans is an Interior Designer, Residential Designer, Art Crafter, DIYer and a full time mother. She writes about interior decorating, she loves working with shapes, shades and spaces. She is also into green and simple living, she loves cooking and having tea.

Overprotective Is Not the Secret to Good Parenting
From the first time a mother carries her first born, she freaks out. It’s a natural thing for a first-time mother to be overprotective of her child and worry about everything – lifting the baby’s head, driving the baby home, bathing, clipping nails, colds, fever, etc. As the baby learns to roll over, crawl, and […]