Sights, sounds, smells, tastes and touches are ever-present. And for most of us, this is not a problem. Our brains are wired to effectively receive and interpret this incredible amount of data and formulate appropriate responses to it, all in fractions of a second. Unfortunately, many children lack or struggle with this ability.
Author: Shirael Pollack

Back-to-School Sanity for Special Needs
As August turns to September and the TV commercials start announcing sales on Elmer’s glue and Crayola crayons, we know that back-to-school is just around the corner. Most of us have fond memories of this time growing up (remember picking out that brand new pair of Reeboks and bouncing around the shoe store?) Most parents […]

Processing the Special Needs Diagnosis
Every parent with a special needs child remembers the moment when they first heard their doctor’s diagnosis. Whether the specified disorder was “developmentally delayed,” “autistic,” or the ever-ambiguous “special needs,” the rush of emotions is powerful and immediate. Some are angry at first. Others are ashamed. Most are confused. But all are worried. Worried for […]

A Practical Explanation of Autism, Special Needs and Developmental Delays
The terms “autism,” “special needs,” and “developmental delays” are everywhere these days. It seems like every time we turn on the television or open a newspaper, a brand new study is out telling us how common these disorders are in our nation’s children. Indeed, recent estimates have indicated that as many as 1 in 50 US children are afflicted with some form of autism and as many as 15% of all children ages 0-17 have special needs.