It’s an upsetting matter when your own child gets injured. However, when your child’s friend is injured while he is under your care, it is a whole new ballgame. Caring for the Injury When a child not your own is injured, always treat him how you would want your own child to be treated should […]
Author: Theo Schmidt
Theo Schmidt has an interest in computer science and engineering, and he uses that interest to fuel his blogging. Theo also enjoys spending time in the outdoors, and he is passionate about protecting the environment.

Unexpected Emergencies Parents Need to Know About: Part I
Part 1: Dental Emergencies No one ever tells you quite how difficult it will be to be a parent. What no one really tells you is what to do in any and all emergency situations. Sometimes a situation seems uncommon and out of your hands, but it is important to know what to do if […]