We had very different experiences introducing solids, We had an opportunity to ask the wonderful Nicole Silber, RD, CSP, CLC, a few of our feeding concerns that you may be struggling with too. We’re happy to share more about our journeys through baby led weaning, purees, feeding therapy and OT.
Category: col1

This Is How to Improve Your Kid’s Study Habits
The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go. Dr. Seuss You are the greatest teacher your child will ever have. You can support your kids to focus on the short-term and develop habits for long-term success from an early age. Success begins with […]

This Is Why New Mothers Need Mothering
The shift from being pregnant to becoming a mother happens in a matter of seconds and yet, few people emphasize the importance of preparing new mothers for this change. Sleep deprivation, 30 pounds of unwanted weight, cracked nipples, and a screaming baby make it nearly impossible to filter and organize one’s thoughts in the days, weeks and months after giving birth. At a time when a mother needs the most support and attention, she is often ignored and has to overcome her own pain, worries and thoughts and take care of her infant.

How Parents Can Set Healthy Lifestyle Examples for Kids
Raising your kids to have the healthiest lifestyle possible from a young age is the best way to make sure they’ll grow up to be big, strong, and happy. Remember that your little ones lead by example- read these tips on how to best ensure that you and your family are doing all the right things to raise healthy kids!

The Magic of Music: Language Development and Cognitive Skills in Kids
Recently, scientists confirm what teachers have suspected for years: music not only nourishes the soul, but it also shapes growing minds.

Skin Care for Kids: What to Use and What to Avoid
When we talk about our organs, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Heart? Lungs? Maybe even the brain! It’s easy to forget that the one organ we see everyday falls into that category. All hail the SKIN.

These Are the Advantages of Farm Life for Kids
For some of us – those who dwell in the city and the suburbs – thinking about life on a farm comes with bucolic images of sunny days, lush fields, and happy animals. But contrary to that idealized vision, as any farmer will tell you, life on today’s farm is far more nuanced and complicated […]

All You Need to Know about Potty Training Toddlers
Toilet training is a major milestone for your toddler – and for you! It is no wonder there are so many questions and concerns that arise on this topic.