Ever wonder if you’re the only parent who breaks from conventional thinking on a common parenting issue… or speculate just how common today’s parenting practices really are? UrbanSitter, an online parenting resource for finding childcare, surveyed more than 350 of its families from across the United States to get the inside scoop on controversial parenting […]
Category: Prenatal
You’re expecting a baby. Congratulations! Here you will find all sorts of great and useful information on all the exciting and sometimes overwhelming things that will help you prepare for your baby.Find articles, videos and events on how to stay healthy during your pregnancy, choosing the right birth for you, decorating your nursery, must have baby gear, sex during pregnancy, how to better plan financially for the future, and more!
Can I Do Abdominal Exercises During Pregnancy?
Can I still do abdominal exercises – like crunches – while I’m pregnant? It is very important to maintain strength and stability in the core to help support the exaggerated curves of the spine and the weight of the growing fetus during pregnancy. However, one needs to be mindful of the manner in which it […]
Those We’ve Met In Our Hearts
In Honor of National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day, I am posting a blog I wrote a few years ago on this subject: “A friend of mine posted this on her Facebook wall this week and I thought I would share it with you. “This is the week we remember all babies born sleeping, or […]
Building Your Labor and Delivery Tool Kit: Teleclass Recap
In case you missed this highly informative teleclass, presented by doula and prenatal specialist Deb Flashenberg, you can find a recording of the class here. During the teleclass, Deb recommended this article and suggested these videos as some great resources for expecting moms. She also provided the following tips (originally posted on her blog) to […]
Dr. Gramma Karen: Taking the Thorns Out
Guess what? My mom’s book, Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Helping Young Parents and Grandparents deal with Thorny Issues, just came out – hooray! As many of you know, my mom has been writing our regular and widely popular Ask Dr. Gramma Karen column for over two years. Her thoughtful and well-researched advice has helped scores […]
Who Will See Our Photographs in 100 Years?
I have done research for myself and my clients to find out the ways we can preserve our precious photos. When I go through the photographs that I have done for a client, I ask myself which are the ‘winners’ and should be preserved. I then wish to make prints right away. However, I know that […]
What is the Difference Between a Doula and Midwife?
What is the difference between a doula and a midwife? Since approximately 90% of US women choose to birth with an obstetrician, many may not be familiar with the term “midwife” or “doula” or even know the difference between the two. A midwife is a health care provider trained to naturally delivery babies for low […]
5 Nutritional Tips To Improve Your Fertility
Quinoa? Try pasta instead, preferably white. Eat broccoli in moderation; gorge on buttermilk pancakes. Not kale: quail. What your body really needs is soda, gallons and gallons of it. And no meal is complete without a helping of chocolate. Melt it in a sauce, mix it milk to drink, or if you can think of […]