Once you turn the corner into your third trimester, you may notice that the pregnancy “honeymoon” is over. Your baby’s growth is accelerating and you may be experiencing a whole new batch of aches and pains. Pregnancy yoga within the third trimester focuses on preparing the body for labor and delivery and encouraging the baby […]
Author: Prenatal Yoga Center

10 Pregnancy and Postpartum Natural Remedies
Please enjoy this list of 10 healthful hints for pregnancy, labor and postpartum. Much of this information is gathered from friends, students, hands-on experience, mentors and teachers. I strongly believe in learning from others, so please feel free to pass this along to all your friends! Olive oil on baby’s bottom prevents the meconium from […]

These Are the Benefits of a Doula
I was recently at a small social gathering where I was introduced to some new people. As is common practice, most people talked about work and what they did for a living. Several of my friends’ husbands are lawyers, so we had a lot of those and other professionals. My husband, a social worker, and […]

Get Off Your Back and Explore These Birthing Positions
A Mommybites reader asked: My doctor told me that I’d be giving birth lying on my back. Are there any other positions in which I can push out my baby? I am often a bit surprised by how many mothers-to-be aren’t aware of the option to push their babies out in a position other than […]

This Is How to Push during Labor with Epidural
According to a recent study from the Center of Disease Control, approximately 64% of women whose births were attended by a medical doctor or a doctor of osteopathic medicine received epidural/spinal anesthesia (1). Given that the majority of women birth with the help of an epidural, it is important to offer useful information to facilitate […]

This Is Why Movement Is Important during Labor
Why is it that whenever I see a movie where a woman is in labor, the people taking care of the woman have her sit down, lie down or put her in a wheel chair? It’s as if having the laboring mother walk or move on her own is a bad idea that could cause […]

Using Labor Mantras and Birth Affirmations for Pain Management
Sometimes in class when I announce we are going to work on mantras as a pain management tool, I get some eye rolling, as if I am asking the students to start bowing down to Buddha. While mantras in their true sense are from the Vedic Hinduism period and chanted in sanskrit, the mantras we […]

This Is How to Do Perineal Massage before Labor
I am often asked about the usefulness of perineal massage for expectant mothers. To be completely honest, I haven’t heard much feedback about it either way. I decided to investigate the question a bit more and see if there was any hard data on it. What Is Perineal Massage? Let’s start at the very beginning […]