For some, the changing of the seasons means updating wardrobes and planning vacations. For others, it means the onset of seasonal allergy symptoms. Did you know that about 36 million Americans suffer from seasonal allergies (sometimes also called allergic rhinitis, or “hay fever”). Seasonal allergy symptoms include runny nose, sneezing, congestion, itchy eyes, and sometimes […]
Category: Healthy Living
Healthy Living is where you can find more about how to live a healthy and sustainable lifestyle as well as how to better your emotional health. There are so many factors in our daily lives that all contribute to our overall health – nutrition, environment, products, stress, relationships, etc. – it is important for us to take a holistic look at how we can better our health in all we do.
Each week we will invite healthy living pros to come share tips and tricks we can all use to create a better environment for ourselves, our families and largely our world. Moms move the world: let’s make it a healthier one!
The Mommybites’ Healthy Living section is co-hosted by Mott’s and Mommybites. This partnership does not influence the content, topics or posts made on this blog. We always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on all topics, products, and services.

Three Steps To Help Keep Order During Chaotic Times
I recently had a check-in call with a client who is a mother of two young kids and a business owner with her husband. During the call she recalled her hectic life over the past 3 months. Between a newborn and a toddler running around causing mayhem and her tutoring company gearing up for finals, […]

Reconnect with Your Kids
It seems that modern-day parents have found a new nanny. It’s not the traditional nanny who helps a kid take a bath, tie his shoes or walk to school. It’s the cool nanny that keeps children entertained while they innocently tune out from the real world. You guessed it right. We are talking about those […]

Teach Your Children About a Healthy Lifestyle
One of the most satisfying legacies we can leave our children is a commitment to health -and it’s never been more important. According to the CDC, nearly 1 out of 6 children is struggling with obesity. Cases of Type 2 diabetes in children, which is preventable, are on the rise as well. We all want […]

How I Got My Children to Brush Their Teeth
I’m sure there are a lot of parents who can relate to the never-ending battle of getting children to brush their teeth. I’m not sure why this is such a common daily struggle, but I know that it is. I’ve seen parents handle the situation in many different ways, but I finally found a trick […]

5 Ways To Promote Outdoor Exercise for Kids
Are your kids getting enough exercise? Children’s health organization Nemours recommends that children between ages 6 and 17 get a minimum of 60 minutes of physical activity every day. Spring, when the weather starts to warm up and kids find themselves itching to go outside, is an excellent time to encourage your kids to get […]

Hidden Dangers In Children’s Jewelry
As parents, we generally take our job very seriously. We research the safest car seats, baby proof the entire house, purchase organic foods, and strive to create optimal learning environments. For many of us, we have read and reread all the latest baby rearing guides in hopes to provide a better future for our children. […]

What Every Mom Should Know about Baby CPR
No mother ever wants to experience the torment of finding that her precious little one is no longer breathing. Thankfully, as this guide from points out, it is possible to prevent life-threatening accidents. Teaching your little one the meaning of the word “no” early on is very important, as is keeping household chemicals out of reach, emptying […]