Categories: Baby

Twin Talk: Twin Tip – Chux Liners

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    I love writing my Twin Talk posts, and hope that you have enjoyed reading them. My goal has always been to educate, inform and give an honest (and humorous) look into what it is really like to be the parent of twins.

    That said, in addition to answering questions and sharing my experiences, I am also going to be adding a section called “Twin Tips”- basically, things I have done to save time, money and my sanity while raising my kiddos. I often include these on my blog and the response has been great. I hope you find it helpful too!

    On that note, here we go…

    Twin Tip

    Line the top of your diaper changing pad with Chux liners (they can be purchased on Amazon). You will be changing a whole lot of diapers and believe me, things are going to get pretty messy. After you change your babies, you can simply throw away the liner and replace it with a new one.

    Congrats mom and dad, you just saved yourself from doing more laundry.

    Happy Twinning!

    P.S. I’m here to  help! Please feel free to send your twin questions to jengenel@gmail.com.

    Read Next | Nursing and Feeding for Twins

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    Jennifer Genel is a renowned twin expert and licensed social worker. She is an associate at Twin Love Concierge, USA’s Premier Twin Specialists. You can follow all of Jen’s ups, downs and everything in-between as she navigates being a parent of twins on her goingtwinsane blog. She lives in Brooklyn with her husband and twins, Jake and Rachel. 

    The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the blog contributor’s. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Writers may have conflicts of interest, and their opinions are their own.

      Find Family Friendly Activities

      Jen Genel: Jennifer Genel is a renowned twin expert and licensed social worker. She is an associate at Twin Love Concierge, USA’s Premier Twin Specialists. You can follow all of Jen’s ups, downs and everything in-between as she navigates being a parent of twins on her goingtwinsane blog. She lives in Brooklyn with her husband and twins, Jake and Rachel.
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