New Baby Registry: Babies “R” Us at Kohl’s In case you haven’t yet heard, parents-to-be now have more options for preparing for their new arrival. A new baby registry has been introduced by Babies “R” Us at Kohl’s. It will be available both in stores and online, providing expecting parents with a convenient way to […]
Tag: baby

5 Baby Gear Pieces For Your Registry Recommended by New York Moms
5 Baby Gear Pieces For Your Registry Recommended by New York Moms When expecting a baby, the entailments of parenting start to hit you, and one of those things is that there is a lot of stuff that people will tell you what you will need. Of course, you need essentials, and some cool products…
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What Pregnant People Need to Know About Monkeypox
What risk does monkeypox pose to someone who is pregnant? Will it impact the safety of the fetus? We asked an expert about the intersection of pregnancy and disease.

This Is What You Need to Know About the Fourth Trimester
About 20 years ago I was thrilled to have Random House publish my parent guide, The Happiest Baby on the Block. In it, I shared my belief that one of the most important things for new parents to understand was a pretty unknown idea called the fourth trimester. Today, that obscure name has so thoroughly penetrated the minds of parents and doctors that the celebrated Merriam-Webster dictionary has included it in their newest edition …and I could not be prouder.

Floral Baby Names You Should Absolutely Consider
When thinking of possible baby names, some expecting parents look at family history, celebrities or seasons. Others get baby name inspiration from…flowers.

Expert Tips: Causes of Baby Constipation & How to Relieve It
In this article, Dr. Harvey Karp explores baby constipation, and to do about it. Your baby may be constipated if they have hard or pellet-like poops and grunt/cry when it’s time to poop. Typically, babies poop two to three times per day, or even four to five times per day for some infants. If your baby has not pooped in two to three days, then it’s a good idea to call the doctor. Dr. Karp also provides tips to try at home.

This Is How to Hire a Baby Nurse in NYC
Let’s begin with the definition: A baby nurse isn’t technically a nurse. Instead, a baby nurse specializes in caring for—you guessed it—infants. In fact, the International Nanny Association uses the term newborn care specialist to further clarify the individual’s role. So a baby nurse may or may not have nursing training or credentials, but the […]

5 Tips for Supporting Your Baby’s Immune System
Sponsored Content While the pandemic has put adult immunity in the spotlight, the issue for babies is an evergreen one. Because the antibodies that a mother initially transfers to her baby don’t last more than a couple of months, an infant’s immune system is still developing. With so many new germs and frightening unknowns, more parents are looking for ways to help build up their baby’s immune system. Get […]