Whether it’s a toddler’s defiant “No,” or a teenager screaming, “You can’t make me,” backtalk is enough to make any parent’s blood boil. What’s worse, it often seems our natural reaction to backtalk (“How dare you speak to me that way” or “You’ll do it because I said so, young lady!”) only makes the problem […]
Tag: discipline

5 Life Altering Babysitting Discipline Techniques That Really Work
Let’s face it, we all want the essence of Mary Poppins when it comes to babysitters, but keeping our tykes on their best behavior isn’t exactly as simple as a spoon full of sugar. Sometimes, our kiddos can be downright tyrants that even we can’t handle being around, so it’s a bit difficult to blame the […]

This Is How Thoughtful Parents Avoid Negotiating with Children
We are grown-ups of the New Age, right? It is no longer a just-do-as-I-say world. We respect our kids and want them to feel heard and understood. If we are so awesome at this, then why am I spending hours negotiating with my kid while the veins in my head feel like they are going […]

This Is How to Stop Kids from Whining
There’s nothing that gets on a parent’s nerves like a whining child. However, it is important that we don’t lose our cool. There’s a right way and a wrong way to stop kids from whining. From gripe to grumble, these 8 tips can help you stop your kids from whining. Be Aware of Age If […]

How to Eliminate Most Tantrums in a Week
Toddlers are famous for their constant tantrums, and dealing with your little one when they are this age can be exhausting. Here are some techniques you can use to eliminate tantrums and calm your tot!

The Power of Positive Discipline
It can be hard to know the ‘correct’ way to discipline your little (if there even is one!). Here are some ways to use positive discipline to teach good behavior!

Dare to Discipline
Oftentimes, the methods we use to get children to listen are ineffective and can actually encourage non-compliance. However, there are effective principals of positive discipline that when used properly and consistently can increase the likelihood that your child will listen to you and in the process, begin to build the self-control needed to face life’s […]

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: My Step-Grandchildren Lack Discipline
I am a step-grandma. My concern is about my twin 5-year-old grandsons, who are at times delightful, at other times holy terrors (times two!). I’ve had a conversation with their mother, who tells me she and her husband use time-outs and then taking away toys for punishment. However, these children hit, do reckless things (like […]