It seems impossible that your once tiny, crawling, diaper-clad baby is now learning to write. But here we are! The best gift you can give your young writer is your support. Helping young writers develop their skills, and encouraging them to keep writing, is key. Out of all the milestones, learning to write is one […]
Tag: Learning

How to Address Kids’ Learning Loss after Remote and Hybrid Schooling
Parents can help their kids catch up and get back on grade level after a year of online and hybrid learning by stepping away from screens and turning to hands-on opportunities this summer.

How to Avoid the Summer Slide
The long awaited lazy, carefree days of summer are finally here. Did you know your kids can lose two months or more of skills they have acquired during the school year? During this well-deserved break, children often experience learning losses if they aren’t engaged in educational activities. Every child is at risk for the infamous summer slide. This article gives parents tips for helping their kids avoid it.

4 Things You Can Do This Summer to Help Your Child Succeed at School Next Year
Whether your child will be starting preschool this fall, gearing up for middle school, or deciding where to send their college applications, you have an invaluable role to play in setting them up for success next school year.Here are some practical things you can do this summer to help your child achieve their potential at school next year.

How to Encourage and Supplement Your Kid’s Educational Development
The classroom isn’t the only place where kids can advance their minds and skills. As your child grows, you can spur them on in day-to-day activities and fresh experiences. No matter what stage of education your child is in, they can change for the better. You can take steps to build their love for learning, […]

What Upcoming Changes in Education Should You Expect?
Education has greatly changed during the current pandemic and most of our kids are learning from home for the foreseeable future. Here are some ways we can expect education to change in the future due to COVID-19.

Career Options for Moms Returning to Work
Deciding to return to work after having your baby can be a tough decision, and often jobs that work with your family schedule may be hard to find. Here are some great tips on how to decide whether it’s the right time to return to work!

What’s the Deal with Breastfeeding and Formula?
Breastfeeding and formula are important to know about when you have a little one. Here is everything you need to know about breastfeeding and formula feeding!