If you follow any of the ever-popular parenting boards or groups on social media sites, you’ve likely encountered more than one mother venting about her nanny. There seems to be a rise in the ideology that nannies must inherently be all-knowing, psychic, and micromanaged all at the same time. While in most cases this is […]
Tag: Relationships
We all need human connection, although we don’t always do our best to cultivate and foster the relationships we value so much. Stable relationships form in infancy. A child’s earliest relationships with caregivers and family members shape her future connections. Read from the Mommybites Relationships archive. From advice for new moms, to marital relations, to relationships within an extended family, you’re sure to find something beneficial.
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Interview with Adam Chiara on Media Literacy
Dr. Gramma Karen interviews Professor Chiara about media literacy, and how to develop yours!
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Grandparents Take Grandchildren to Church against Parents’ Wishes
Dear Gramma Karen, My husband, Ron, and I have a son and a daughter, Marge, who is four, and Brett, who is six. Ron’s parents, my in-laws, are wonderful grandparents and love spending time with Marge and Brett, often having them for sleepovers. When my in-laws were raising Ron, there wasn’t much emphasis on religion. […]
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Daughter-in-Law Rebuffs Mother-in-Law
Check out more of Dr. Gramma Karen’s thoughts on in-law relationship stuggles!
Beyond Milk: Feeding Toddlers
We had very different experiences introducing solids, We had an opportunity to ask the wonderful Nicole Silber, RD, CSP, CLC, a few of our feeding concerns that you may be struggling with too. We’re happy to share more about our journeys through baby led weaning, purees, feeding therapy and OT.
Safety Tips for a Great Thanksgiving this Year
Thanksgiving, like many holidays this year, will be unusual due to the Coronavirus. Here are some ways to still have a great celebration with your family while still being safe.
Parenting in a Pandemic: Tips to Keep the Calm at Home
Parenting in a pandemic has a steep learning curve, but you can use these tips to keep the calm at home. They’ll make things easier for everyone in the family, no matter how much longer this pandemic lasts.
How to Improve Your Relationship after Having a Baby
Having a baby is hard on a marriage! There I said it. OK, we’ve all heard the research that – counter to popular belief – having a baby often decreases marital satisfaction (at least for the first few years anyway). Lack of sleep, finding balance and feeling overwhelmed, all while living in the often chaotic […]