The Happiness Project at the 2012 Mommybites Summit

Every so often, a phrase or quote in a book takes my breath away. It happened to me recently when I was reading The Mommybites Summit keynote speaker Gretchen Rubin’s book, The Happiness Project. Gretchen was talking about a father whose three young sons were driving him crazy because they were all getting up so early in the morning.

“So finally he gave up. He’d let his wife stay in bed and he’d get the boys dressed and out the door. He’d stop for coffee, then the three of them would head for the park, and he’d watch them play for an hour before heading home for breakfast. These days his boys sleep late on weekends and now, my friend told me, those mornings are some of his clearest and happiest memories of that period. The morning light, the quiet park, his little boys racing across the grass. The days are long, but the years are short.”

Here’s to some days feeling like they will never end and yet, the years flying by.

It’s not too late to sign up for this year’s summit and hear more from the author of The Happiness Project (not to mention eat, shop, mingle and take home super cool gift bags)!



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