You had always heard that your child should take music lessons. There are plenty of research and studies out there to show the benefits of music studying. However, before you jump into lessons, there are some urban music lesson myths you should know about. Here are the top lesson myths that all parents should be aware of before signing up your child for any instrumental lessons:
1) I don’t know if my child is talented enough.
Are you looking to become your child’s stage manager? No? Then lessons should not be taken based on how talented your child is. In fact, everyone is musical (YES, I said EVERYONE!). It is up to how the parents and teachers will work together to draw that out of your child.
Sure, it may be easier if your child showed signs of perfect pitch from birth, but really, all the skills from lessons that they will learn outweigh talent. Give him the lessons because you want to give him the gift of music for the rest of his life – not just because he may be the next Bon Jovi.
2) I can’t play the instrument at all. I will never be able to help my child with practicing.
Not true at all! My parents were not musical besides the occasional karaoke, and look at what I ended up doing. Your role as parents is to find the right teacher, know what is happening at lessons, and monitor practicing. The more support you provide, the more your child will take interest. Go ahead and attend every concert!
3) I won’t force my child to practice, I wouldn’t want him to hate his instrument.
And your child wouldn’t! I believe that children are way more resilient than they seem (they have to be! Don’t we make quite a few mistakes being parents?). Therefore, you will need to make your child practice hours each day without exception before he hates it. If you are simply helping to enforce structure and discipline at home, your child will be fine. After all, if the parents won’t get involved with their learning, who will?
I saved the best for last. Drum roll please…..!
4) If my child enjoys playing, he will practice on his own.
Well, sure – if that also means that your child will eat a healthy, nutrition balanced meal when you are not around. Ask any professional musicians, and they will tell you that they are not always in the mood to practice. Think about this: at your child’s age, how much self discipline did you have? You probably would have had ice cream for dinner if allowed (thank goodness I’m an adult now!). Most children need to be taught self-discipline, and taking music lessons is a great way to do it. But be prepared to monitor practicing regardless of how much your child enjoys playing the instrument!
Now that you know the true answers to these urban music myths, go out there and enhance your child’s education with some music lessons!
Natalia Huang is the owner/founder of Natalia Huang Piano Studio near Grand Central Terminal. The studio offers piano lessons that are more than just piano instructions – passion, expertise, and creativity is what the studio is also about! Students experience the magic of music through piano playing; and will treasure a new musical attitude for life. an music myths, go out there and enhance your child’s education with some music lessons!