Setting boundaries for kids helps children flourish. Many parents know it’s important to set loving boundaries for kids yet find it challenging to establish boundaries and struggle to maintain them in the home. While setting boundaries is difficult, boundaries are necessary. In fact, boundaries are part of all aspects of life. This article explores the benefits of setting boundaries for kids and tips for success.
Author: Dawn Marie Barhyte

What Is a Child Life Specialist?
Child life specialists are highly trained healthcare workers who are usually employed by hospitals. They work with children and their families to ease discomfort during hospital visits.

Easing Separation Anxiety
The experience of separation, even a brief one, is important for both parents and child. Yet while important, separation anxiety—feeling anxious when apart—is common in infants and toddlers. Most children outgrow separation anxiety by age 3. There are many ways that parents can lessen separation anxiety in babies and toddlers and turn the experience into an opportunity for growth.

How to Avoid the Summer Slide
The long awaited lazy, carefree days of summer are finally here. Did you know your kids can lose two months or more of skills they have acquired during the school year? During this well-deserved break, children often experience learning losses if they aren’t engaged in educational activities. Every child is at risk for the infamous summer slide. This article gives parents tips for helping their kids avoid it.

Meaningful Teacher Gifts
Teachers deserve to know their dedication is appreciated. Gifts don’t need to be expensive to express your gratitude. The most prized are gifts given from the heart. While many family budgets are tight and time is limited, try to acknowledge the teachers in your child’s life with an unexpected treat. You might be surprised how even the simplest gifts can really rejuvenate a teacher’s enthusiasm, and how involving your child in the gift process can teach important lessons about giving back.

Shaping Your Child’s Attitudes about Racial Tolerance
Experts tell us it is never too early to teach our children to be more tolerant and accepting of others. Preschoolers are not colorblind and notice differences early yet they are not intrinsically prejudiced. Our challenge is to help our children stay that way by promoting respect for differences and an appreciation for diversity. Here are some ways to shape your child’s attitudes.

Women’s History Month Activities for Parents and Kids
It is no secret that history and social studies books are focused on the achievements of white men. During Women’s History Month, let’s introduce our children, boys and girls, to women who have made a difference. What better way to celebrate Women’s History Month than to reflect on the strong and awe-inspiring women who came […]

Why Kids Need Family Traditions and Rituals
Children love repeated, shared family experiences. Learn why, and how to create more.