We are often asked how the divorce process starts. What happens? The following is a step-by-step outline. The divorce process starts when you or your lawyer file what is officially known as a Summons and Petition for divorce with the appropriate court in your chosen jurisdiction. That makes you the petitioner or plaintiff in the […]
Author: divorceinformationnow

Summertime and the Livin’ May Not Be So Easy
In divorced families where there are smoothly-operating custody arrangements and an absence of major conflict between the parents, summertime plans can proceed with few snags. At the other extreme, when there is high conflict between parents, or when one parent lives far away, is not involved with the children on a regular basis, or is […]

Is Stuck Really Stuck?
We often receive comments and questions from readers such as the query posed below: I know a couple of women who are stuck! What does stuck mean? When we mentioned to the author that other people with the same internal conversation would be interested in what she had to say, she gave us her approval […]

Telling Your Teenager That You Are Getting A Divorce
This is a follow-up article to Telling Young Children About Divorce. Even (self absorbed) adolescents are usually aware of serious conflict between their parents. The following are some guidelines to make the “telling” easier for you and your children. Older children are exquisitely aware of the rupture between their parents and may even have been […]

Making the “Ex-Change” Civilly
In a high-stress divorce, exchanging your child(ren) from one parent to the other is often one of the only times that you and your spouse see one another (except at the lawyers’ table or in court). Your ability to make the “exchange” process pleasant, or at least not contentious, will impact how your child deals […]

Telling Young Children About Divorce
Children of all ages are usually aware of serious conflict between their parents. Even very young children experience tension in the home and know that Mommy and Daddy have been yelling at each other or sleeping in different rooms. But despite their awareness that things are rocky, few kids are prepared for the finality of […]

Not a Creature was Stirring, Not Even a Spouse
For the newly divorced (or even for those in the process), Christmas looms large as a test of the ability to deal with a new reality and the often-painful feelings of change and loss. The holidays are powerful symbols of family life – think of the Norman Rockwell image of a loving and joyous family […]

Bedtime Stories for the Youngest Children of Divorce
Are you having a hard time telling your little one (pre-school through second grade) about your divorce? Are you searching for the right words to explain why your spouse doesn’t live with you anymore? Are you trying to make the changes in your child’s life easier to explain? Often reading about an uncomfortable, emotionally laden […]