Last week, we held a highly informative and frank discussion, led by Kellan Goldberg, founder of Eleven Eleven Advisors, about the different types of life insurance and how to determine which type is right for you and your family.
Author: Jennifer Rojas

Scream Free Parenting – Getting to Calm: Online Class Re-cap
When it comes to developing great relationships and great kids we know our children need us to be cool, calm and collected. Yet the biggest challenge in parenting is being cool, calm and collected. Why is it so hard? and What can we do about it? We recently held an important class, expertly facilitated by […]

Take the Cord Blood Banking Quiz
How much do you know about cord blood banking? Take the quiz!

Pediatric Dental Care: Class Re-cap
We recently held a highly illuminating teleclass on pediatric dental care including what to expect from your child’s first dental visit, what to do when your child has trauma to their front teeth, oral hygiene instruction for the home, foods to avoid, thumb and pacifier habits, and more.

How to Talk About Tragedies with Children
In the wake of the horrific shootings in Las Vegas – and because this (and other tragedies) are front and center in the news – we thought it might be helpful to share this article from our own Dr. Gramma Karen about how to talk with children about tragedies.

How to Find the ME in the Midst of Motherhood
We all know that finding ME time and a sense of self connection is incredibly challenging as we embark on the path of new motherhood. We recently held a highly informative and enlightening online class with Randi Zinn, founder of Beyond Mom on tools and strategies to find that much needed ME time.

Back to School Travel Safety: Online class Re-cap
Does your child start school this year or is he/she getting ready to go back to school? Have you given thought to the drop off line at school or even carpooling and booster seats? This week is Child Passenger Safety Week!

Things Your ‘Friend’ Should Know if Considering Divorce: Online Class Re-cap
Thinking about ending a marriage is difficult enough. But figuring out all the legal issues around that big decision can be overwhelming.