As a parent, you know that financial planning is vital, but it can be boring, time consuming, uncomfortable and confusing – to say the least. You dread it, right? So do we – and that’s why we held an important, highly informative teleclass, which was expertly and entertainingly presented by Scott Kohen, Estate Planning & […]
Author: Jennifer Rojas

Supporting Your Baby’s Development – Why Music Matters: Teleclass Re-cap
Music can play a powerful role in our lives, and for babies and young children, introducing music early on can promote healthy brain development. The impact of music on the brain is becoming a ‘hot’ topic in science. This week, we held a fun and illuminating teleclass with expert Deanna deCampos, founder of Eastside Westside […]

Breastfeeding Basics – Everything Moms Need to Know: Teleclass Re-cap
We recently held an informative, fun and illuminating teleclass for expectant and new moms, generously sponsored by Lansinoh and expertly presented by Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC), Gina Ciagne. Gina covered such topics as preparing for breastfeeding before baby arrives, tips to overcome some of the most common breastfeeding issues – like engorgement and milk supply […]

Beyond a Will: 5 Legal Documents Every Parent Should Have – Teleclass Re-cap
It’s so important to understand what your family needs to have in place to make sure your children receive the best care and protection possible if misfortune hits. This week, we held a very important and informative teleclass about wills, trusts, guardianship designations, life insurance, estate taxes, and more -expertly presented by Attorney Shannon P. […]

You Know How to Diet… Do You Know How to Eat? Teleclass Re-cap
What you eat is only half the story of good nutrition. Who you are as an eater is the other half. This week, we held a truly illuminating teleclass with expert Mindy Gorman-Plutzer of The Freedom Promise, also our generous sponsor along with BuyBuy Baby, who will helped participants explore the thoughts that morph into […]

Toddler Sleep Solutions: Teleclass Re-cap
For those parents interested in learning more about toddler sleep, we held a highly informative, helpful teleclass last week on toddler sleep solutions. Expertly presented by Janeen Hayward, child development expert, and generously sponsored by Happy Family and BuyBuy Baby, the class covered it all – from eliminating night wakings to consolidating naps. In case you missed it, you’ll find a […]

Delicious Peanut Butter Recipes
Here’s a little bit about Pic’s Really Good Peanut Butter: From its origins in Pic Picot’s garage in 2007, Nelson, New Zealand-based Pic’s Really Good Peanut Butter has today become New Zealand’s No. 1 peanut butter and can be found in gourmet and specialty stores and supermarkets in Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, the U.K. and […]

Caring for a Sick Baby
There is nothing more stressful or scary for a mom than a sick baby. And now that the older kids are back in school, colds and viruses are bound to be coming home. So, how do you keep the germs away from not only your baby, but the rest of the family as well? And […]