Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Grandparents in the Dark About Grandson’s Situation
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: An Interview with Jane Isay

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: An Interview with Jane Isay

Dr. Gramma Karen: Jane, after I read Donne Davis’s blog about your latest and fourth book, I immediately read it and hoped I would have a chance to interview you. And, happily, here we are!

Rather than focus on the excellent content of your book about grandparenting, I would like to ask you a few questions about the process you went through to write it.

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Afterthoughts on the Column, “Our Granddaughter Was Stillborn”

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Afterthoughts on the Column, “Our Granddaughter Was Stillborn”

Dear readers,
Soon after my Ask Dr. Gramma column “Our Daughter Was Stillborn” was posted, I received this e-mail from a reader:

“As always you provide clarification and a ton of resources. However as tough as it is, the grandparents need to find a way to respect the wishes of the parents. If they are expected to read certain books they must find a way to comply or come to an honest agreement with the parents on how to deal with situation. A thorny but important issue was left out of your answer.”

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Our Granddaughter was Stillborn
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Grandmother Needs To Change Her Unkind Ways
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Evan Quinones Writes About the Gogos of Swaziland
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Inheritance Favoritism With the Grandchildren
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: An Interview with Christine Crosby