Dr. Gramma Karen interviews Professor Chiara about media literacy, and how to develop yours!
Author: Dr. Karen Rancourt

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Grandparents Take Grandchildren to Church against Parents’ Wishes
Dear Gramma Karen, My husband, Ron, and I have a son and a daughter, Marge, who is four, and Brett, who is six. Ron’s parents, my in-laws, are wonderful grandparents and love spending time with Marge and Brett, often having them for sleepovers. When my in-laws were raising Ron, there wasn’t much emphasis on religion. […]

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Daughter-in-Law Rebuffs Mother-in-Law
Check out more of Dr. Gramma Karen’s thoughts on in-law relationship stuggles!

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Keeping Joy in the Holidays During the Pandemic
Joy seems like an almost foreign concept during this pandemic. Dr. Gramma Karen invites Mary O’Connor to share how we can still find joy during the holiday season.

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Grandmother Wants Help in Turning Down DIL’s Invitation
There’s always trouble with the in-laws, but what do you do with relationships when there’s a new baby on the way? Dr. Gramma Karen has all the advice you need to deal with these tough family conflicts.

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Problematic Sister-in-Law Upsetting Family Interactions
I’ve known my husband for 16 years; we’ve been happily married the past eight. We have one daughter, five-year-old Emma. Since the very beginning my husband’s sister, Patricia, has not liked me. She now has a son, Barry, who is a year younger than Emma. I should mention that Patricia also has issues with my husband, her brother, and her father.

My Daughter-in-Law Excludes My Husband and Me
I kept hoping she would warm up toward us, but that has not happened. I find I am getting more and more upset about how cold she is towards us. I think I should talk to my son about what’s going on and tell him how hurt we feel about the way Lannie treats us.

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Readers Share More of Their Ponies
In the current pandemic days, negativity and stress can feel incredibly overwhelming. Read some happy goings on in the world with Dr. Gramma Karen’s readers’ “ponies”!