About 20 years ago I was thrilled to have Random House publish my parent guide, The Happiest Baby on the Block. In it, I shared my belief that one of the most important things for new parents to understand was a pretty unknown idea called the fourth trimester. Today, that obscure name has so thoroughly penetrated the minds of parents and doctors that the celebrated Merriam-Webster dictionary has included it in their newest edition …and I could not be prouder.
Category: col1
Floral Baby Names You Should Absolutely Consider
When thinking of possible baby names, some expecting parents look at family history, celebrities or seasons. Others get baby name inspiration from…flowers.
How to Encourage Reading for Pleasure
Most children need to be taught to appreciate reading for pleasure. While some children enjoy reading as soon as they learn how, others are hesitant.
These Are the Best Kids Halloween Costumes on Instagram
Halloween may be the most fun holiday for kids. One of the best things about Halloween is the creativity exhibited in the costumes. Must give parents much credit for that! We’ve pulled together some of our favorite creative costume ideas from Instagram. Enjoy!! And be sure to ENTER your costumed kids in our sister’s site’s […]
Halloween Sensory Activities
If your little has sensory challenges, overwhelming holidays like Halloween can be a tough time. Here are some fun activities to engage your kiddo and build their sensory and socialization skills!
These Are the Proven Benefits of Reading to Babies
People often ask, “When is the best time to start reading to a baby?” The simple answer is, “Right now.” And if you think reading out loud to your wee one is just a way to bond, think again. A local expert details four proven and long-lasting benefits of reading aloud to babies. New parents […]
How to Make the Most of Playtime When You’re Insanely Busy
It can be tough to find the time to play when you have a to-do list a mile long — and busy moms know that feeling all too well. However, ensuring you get the time to have some fun with your kids is important, both for you and for them. Playing with your kids is […]
10 Pregnancy and Postpartum Natural Remedies
Please enjoy this list of 10 healthful hints for pregnancy, labor and postpartum. Much of this information is gathered from friends, students, hands-on experience, mentors and teachers. I strongly believe in learning from others, so please feel free to pass this along to all your friends! Olive oil on baby’s bottom prevents the meconium from […]