In this article, Dr. Harvey Karp explores baby constipation, and to do about it. Your baby may be constipated if they have hard or pellet-like poops and grunt/cry when it’s time to poop. Typically, babies poop two to three times per day, or even four to five times per day for some infants. If your baby has not pooped in two to three days, then it’s a good idea to call the doctor. Dr. Karp also provides tips to try at home.
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Social Anxiety in Kids
This article explores what social anxiety looks like in children, and what parents can do to help their kids address the debilitating problem.

Watch Your Language: Should Parents Censor Speech Around Children?
Explore how cursing around your children affects their development, and whether it actually damages their learning skills for the future.

What Is a Child Life Specialist?
Child life specialists are highly trained healthcare workers who are usually employed by hospitals. They work with children and their families to ease discomfort during hospital visits.

How to Foster Positive Mental Health In Your Kids
Mental health is an important aspect of living a healthy life. Though your child may seem too young to struggle with mental health, it is never too early to foster positive thinking. Read on for tips on how to foster positive mental health in your kids.

Plumbing Safety Measures for Toddlers
As a parent, it is important to keep an eye on your home’s plumbing and its performance, especially when you have curious toddlers around. Since the plumbing system usually contains some hazardous parts, you must ensure that certain parts of the house are safe and child-friendly. The following plumbing changes and upgrades can help you take proper precautions when having curious toddlers around.

5 Steps to Deal With a Toddler Talking Back
Whether it’s a toddler’s defiant “No,” or a teenager screaming, “You can’t make me,” backtalk is enough to make any parent’s blood boil. What’s worse, it often seems our natural reaction to backtalk (“How dare you speak to me that way” or “You’ll do it because I said so, young lady!”) only makes the problem […]

This Is How to Deal With Leg Cramps during Pregnancy
Just when you’ve managed your active pregnancy bladder and embraced the frequent bathroom visits – leg cramps begin to set in! Here are some tips to keep the blood circulating and to help reduce leg cramping: