Why Folic Acid Should Be at the Top of Your Pregnancy Checklist By Danielle Ramos Whether you’re actively trying to conceive or just planning for the future, folic acid is a nutrient you’ll want to make sure is front and center. This little nutrient plays a critical role in supporting both you and your growing […]
Category: Prenatal
You’re expecting a baby. Congratulations! Here you will find all sorts of great and useful information on all the exciting and sometimes overwhelming things that will help you prepare for your baby.Find articles, videos and events on how to stay healthy during your pregnancy, choosing the right birth for you, decorating your nursery, must have baby gear, sex during pregnancy, how to better plan financially for the future, and more!

A Guide to Hosting a Mother Blessing
A Mother Blessing is a special alternative to the traditional baby shower. Janae Bell has the guide to doing it right.

Infertility and Abortion: How IVF and Roe V. Wade Go Hand In Hand
Madison Gaucher breaks down the important connection between fertility treatments and the right to choose when growing a family.

What Pregnant People Need to Know About Monkeypox
What risk does monkeypox pose to someone who is pregnant? Will it impact the safety of the fetus? We asked an expert about the intersection of pregnancy and disease.

Sneaky Toxins to Avoid During Pregnancy
Here are the sneaky toxins to avoid during pregnancy—both in and out of the home.

Baby Formula Shortage: Updates and Communities Stepping Up to Help
The baby formula shortage is unfortunately still going strong and we want to do everything we can to keep you updated and in the know every step of the way.

You’ve Decided You Want a Baby—Now What?
So you’ve decided you want a baby—now what? Here’s what to consider when it comes to preparing for such an undertaking.

The 9 Best Maternity Subscription Boxes
These pregnancy, maternity, postpartum (and even Dad!) subscription boxes are so helpful because when you are expecting, self-care is even more important than usual.