Protecting Your Identity
Why Must I Sleep On My Left Side When Pregnant?
College Funding Strategy:  Permanent Life Insurance

College Funding Strategy: Permanent Life Insurance

From generation to generation, Americans have taken pride in educating their children.  Today, that’s a more expensive proposition than ever. In fact, college costs have risen faster than most other prices in our economy. Five, ten, or fifteen years from now, sending a child to college will likely test your financial resources. Yet, there is […]

Sweet Spots Award Goes To Mommybites Mom!
10 Helpful Hints for Pregnancy, Labor and Postpartum

10 Helpful Hints for Pregnancy, Labor and Postpartum

Please enjoy this list of 10 healthful hints for pregnancy, labor and postpartum. Much of this information is gathered from friends, students, hands-on experience, mentors and teachers. I strongly believe in learning from others, so please feel free to pass this along to all your friends! 1. Olive Oil on Baby’s Bottom to Prevent the […]

Episiotomy or Natural Tear: Understand the Difference, Benefits and Downsides

Episiotomy or Natural Tear: Understand the Difference, Benefits and Downsides

There are so many decisions to consider when approaching birth. Where should you deliver? With whom should you put your trust to give you care? Which interventions do you feel comfortable with and which ones would you like to avoid? While sorting through all these options, it can be easy to be overwhelmed by the […]

Tips to Raise a Healthy & Happy Pack
Top Health Care Considerations During Divorce