Why is it that whenever I see a movie where a woman is in labor, the people taking care of the woman have her sit down, lie down or put her in a wheel chair? It’s as if having the laboring mother walk or move on her own is a bad idea that could cause […]
Category: Prenatal
You’re expecting a baby. Congratulations! Here you will find all sorts of great and useful information on all the exciting and sometimes overwhelming things that will help you prepare for your baby.Find articles, videos and events on how to stay healthy during your pregnancy, choosing the right birth for you, decorating your nursery, must have baby gear, sex during pregnancy, how to better plan financially for the future, and more!

Why Do Pregnant Women Crave Pickles?
Oh, pregnancy cravings. The insatiable longing for often times unusual combinations of foods that you would never otherwise have dreamed of eating. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Seventy-five to 90 percent of pregnant women have food cravings during pregnancy, but these cravings usually disappear in the beginning of the fourth month. Despite how common pregnancy […]

Preparing to Have a Baby: A Basic Guide for Moms-To-Be
If you are expecting your first baby in the near future, you may be excited about the prospect of meeting your child for the first time. Many expectant mothers also have numerous fears and anxieties. These may relate to the general fear of venturing into new territory, while also being responsible for the care and […]

Becoming a Twin Mom: Our Conception, Pregnancy and Birth Experiences
Over the next few months we will be sharing our different personal experiences and approaches on the same major parenting milestones. In this first article in our Mommybites series, we’ll be chatting about what it was like for each of us on our journeys to becoming twin moms.

The Global Fertility Crisis: The Future of Infertility and Low Birth Rates
Governments and researchers call it the ‘global fertility crisis,’ but what does that even mean? Is there a crisis, or are women in control of their reproductive systems for the first time? One thing is clear: today’s global average fertility rate is just below 2.5 children per woman, which is less than half of the global fertility rate from 50 years ago when the average woman had at least five children, if not more.

Pregnancy Myths – Dispelled
There are still plenty of myths about pregnancy that are circulated regularly – from what you should and shouldn’t eat, to how to predict your baby’s sex, to safety. Here we look at some of the most popular pregnancy myths out there and dispel them with the facts.

Using Labor Mantras and Birth Affirmations for Pain Management
Sometimes in class when I announce we are going to work on mantras as a pain management tool, I get some eye rolling, as if I am asking the students to start bowing down to Buddha. While mantras in their true sense are from the Vedic Hinduism period and chanted in sanskrit, the mantras we […]

This Is How to Do Perineal Massage before Labor
I am often asked about the usefulness of perineal massage for expectant mothers. To be completely honest, I haven’t heard much feedback about it either way. I decided to investigate the question a bit more and see if there was any hard data on it. What Is Perineal Massage? Let’s start at the very beginning […]