A Mom’s Most Important Relationship

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    It occurred to me the other day that in all my years of writing for Mommybites, I have neglected to discuss one of the most important relationships in a parent’s life. Sure, I’ve written about a mom’s relationship with her partner, her children, her friends, her co-workers and even with herself. But in addition to these (and, in fact, in some cases above these), one of the most important relationships any mom/parent can have is with her… pediatrician.

    I was really lucky when my sister-in-law recommended her pediatrician to me. We have now been with Dr. O. (from Weill Cornell Medical Associates) for over 10 years. My kids love him, my husband loves him, the grandparents love him and I love him. More importantly, I trust him. I trust his whole team. I can’t tell you how many times, when I have been worried about the health of one of my boys, that my husband or mom has asked me, “What did Jackie say?” Jackie is a pediatric R.N. at Weill Cornell Medical Associates and no matter how mundane my question, she always calls me back, always calms me down and always has great advice. I feel the same way about Dr. O and all the pediatricians there.

    Here’s to what I will say from now on when I am asked for parenting advice: “Find a really good pediatrician that works with outstanding people. It’s one of the most important relationships you will have as a parent.”

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    The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the blog contributor’s. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Writers may have conflicts of interest, and their opinions are their own.

      Find Family Friendly Activities

      Heather Ouida: Heather co-founded babybites with business partner Laura Deutsch. Heather was a learning specialist where she taught in London for many years as well as at The Dalton School in Manhattan. Heather holds a BA in psychology from Hobart and William Smith Colleges, an MA in child development form Tufts University and acquired her learning specialist degree form York University in England. Heather currently resides in Manhattan her husband, two boys, two fish and pet turtle. Heather’s hobbies include, hot yoga, Nutella eating, writing, Bravo watching, reading and sharing inappropriate jokes with girl friends.
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