A Mommybites reader asked,
What are qualities I should look for in a nanny or babysitter?
It can feel like such an overwhelming task finding a nanny or a babysitter for our new arrival! It is quite normal that the search in the beginning may seem a bit daunting, though as you slowly begin the process, you’ll see that there are many great caregivers out there – it’s in finding the right fit for you and your family.
Much like in the search for a new home or apartment, sometimes you don’t exactly know what you like or dislike until you actually see it. Much of it is a feeling, an intuition that this person would be a wonderful addition to your family. It’s key to interview a handful of caregivers so that you can see the difference in personalities, styles, viewpoints, and energy levels to see what is ideal for your family.
Some moms prefer caregivers with more grandmotherly qualities and some moms prefer the more spunky and energetic. Both can make wonderful caretakers, it is a matter of preference that you and your partner can discuss what works best for your family unit.
Of all the moms I’ve worked with in support groups, these are the eight characteristics that are cited time and again as to what is most important in their search for a caregiver:
- Trustworthy
- Dependable
- Flexibility
- Warm
- Friendly
- Loving
- Good Communicator
- Safety Training (Infant CPR)
In short, your ideal is someone that you click with, someone who will be your partner in taking care of your little one. The good news – what may have seemed like an overwhelming task in the beginning of the search, gets easier towards the end – almost all moms have found a good fit for their first day back at work. As with anything in parenting, the beginnings are a bit challenging, but with a little time and energy, we trust our instincts and find our way.
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Expert: Renee Sullivan
Renee Sullivan works with moms each week to create their own personal parenting plan that is right for them, while making sure that each mom gets the support, resources, and community they need for their parenting journey. Drawing from her experience as a birth coach and educator, she guides moms – new, seasoned and expectant through the never – ending array of decisions that come with having a child.