Loving Reading – Shaping Reading Attitudes from Birth: Teleclass Re-cap
Disrupting the Pink: A New Type of Princess is in Town
Fostering a Love of Reading
Dreading the Dentist
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Gift Ideas for the Grandchildren

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Gift Ideas for the Grandchildren

As the holidays approach grandparents begin to think of gifts for the grandchildren, typically something material. All well and good, but giving events and experiences as gifts can be an incredibly enriching and valuable alternative. Think how excited a grandchild will be to learn that as a holiday gift Grandma and Grandpa are taking her […]

Making Every Day Parenting Fun
Feeding the World While Laughing
Milestones Continued: 12 months to 2 years of Age

Milestones Continued: 12 months to 2 years of Age

Motor Development Now that your child is one year old, you will start to see how much more she moves around! Babies become more aware of everything around them and also with themselves. They start walking, running, climbing up stairs, throwing, dancing and kicking. They will start doing coloring, puzzles, building towers and imitating all […]