You asked and you shall now receive. It’s only fair for us to share all of this stored up knowledge about a toddlers and what happens when they start toddling (and talking)! We now will answer, in a very public forum, all of those burning questions about children in their second year. Each Wednesday, […]
Tag: Activities
There are so many activities associated with motherhood – both for mom and baby. Being a mom is wonderful and complex, miraculous at difficult, frustrating and fun – sometimes all at the same time. Our articles discuss not only activities associated with your role as a parent – and tips on rockin them – but also provide plenty of things for you and your littles to do. If you’re looking for events in NY for kids, check out our events page.

A Mother’s 12 Days of Christmas
By Sarah E. Visbeek, author of In the Trenches of Mommyhood On the first day of Christmas, my child’s school gave to me two dozen cookies requested immediately. On the second day of Christmas, my child gave to me 2 homework assignments. On the third day of Christmas, my child’s school gave to me 3 […]

What are some great activities to do with my 6 – 9 mo old?
You asked and you shall now receive. It’s only fair for us to share all of this stored up knowledge about a baby and what happens once the baby is born until they are no longer called a baby but a toddler! We now will answer, in a very public forum, all of those […]

Holiday Traditions
By Sarah E. Visbeek, author of In the Trenches of Mommyhood Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanzaa, I think we can all agree that the magic surrounding the holiday season is steeped in family traditions. In my Trenches, we have a few simple ones that the boys look forward to every year. Buddy. Yes, […]
Black Thursday?
By Sarah E. Visbeek, author of In the Trenches of Mommyhood When the news starting breaking that some stores planned to open earlier than ever for this year’s Black Friday, I was stunned. I mean, midnight isn’t early enough? With a midnight opening, there are those who stand in line for HOURS upon HOURS to […]

Getting Away
By Sarah E. Visbeek, author of In the Trenches of Mommyhood When you have three children, going away without them becomes a near impossibility. Hence the reason that my husband and I, together, have not spent more than at least one night away from our children since oh, probably 2008. Yes, we try to have […]
We’re Blogging Over at What to Expect (When You’re Expecting)
By Elise Jones, blog editor We are excited to announce babybites is now part of the best-known parenting book’s blog: What to Expect. Here is a bit more about the blog called “Word of Mom”: Word of Mom is the place to read the work of witty, wise, and wonderful mommy bloggers. Be sure to […]

Green Parenting: November 15 is America Recycles Day!
By Elise Jones, blog editor As a child, I remember the act of collecting cans was the extent of anything that resembled recycling. Recycling wasn’t a concept I fully understood or embraced until I was out of college and on my own. It was easy to recycle when I lived in the city because all […]