Toddler is Upset About Taking Baths
Coming Together in a Time of Crisis
Supporting Your Young Child’s Emotional Health

Supporting Your Young Child’s Emotional Health

What an interesting time to be writing about the emotional health and well-being of children. The plan to have this as the topic of this article happened long before the threat and onset of Hurricane Sandy, but now seems unfortunately appropriate. Acknowledging and managing young children’s feelings has long been a hot topic. When they […]

Finding Gratitude in Tragedy
Bully-Proof Your Child: Ten Tips

Bully-Proof Your Child: Ten Tips

In honor of National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month, we want to provide you with these very helpful tips that were recently compiled and shared with Mommybites by Jean McPhee, Ph.D., a Child and Adolescent Psychologist for UrbanSitter. Here are some proactive steps you can take to reduce the chances that your child will be bullied: 1. Make a […]

Remembering the ‘Last’ Times
Toddler Doesn’t Talk Much: Should I Worry?
Social Media for Kids