Does my toddler need a vitamin supplement? Toddlers and food can be a slippery slope, which makes the decision about whether or not to give your little one vitamin supplements even more challenging. When you provide your toddler with choices from all the different food groups – and combine that with the opportunity to combine […]
Author: Marsha Greenberg

It’s Challenging to Read to My Toddler
We think of reading to a child as a quiet activity and sometimes it is – but not always at the beginning of toddler reading. Books open up new worlds for toddlers and can bring a shared experience of fun and playfulness with their special grownup. Toddlers by the age of 18 to 20 months are excited about […]

Toddler is Lying – What Should I Do?
My toddler is ‘lying’- what should I do? Toddlers (children between 18 months and 3 1/2 years) do not have the cognitive development to actually lie in the way adults understand lying. To lie, a child needs to understand that there is an actual objective truth – and toddlers are not yet dealing with that […]

Toddler is Upset About Taking Baths
You asked and now you shall receive. It’s only fair for us to share all of this stored up knowledge about toddlers and what happens when they start toddling (and talking)! We will now answer, in a very public forum, all of those burning questions about children in their second year. Each month, we will […]

Toddler Doesn’t Talk Much: Should I Worry?
You asked and now you shall receive. It’s only fair for us to share all of this stored up knowledge about toddlers and what happens when they start toddling (and talking)! We will now answer, in a very public forum, all of those burning questions about children in their second year. Each month, we will […]

My Toddler Argues with Other Toddlers
You asked and now you shall receive. It’s only fair for us to share all of this stored up knowledge about toddlers and what happens when they start toddling (and talking)! We will now answer, in a very public forum, all of those burning questions about children in their second year. Each month, we will […]

Toddler is Masturbating
Masturbation is a normal part of sexual development. Much like language or physical development it starts at early ages and does not need to be taught by anyone.

What questions should I ask at my 2-year-old well visit?
Toddlers grow in many ways so when you go into his well visit here are some areas to discuss: