As a parent of a young child, you teach countless skills daily. But chances are that you aren’t spending enough time teaching your child how to set boundaries, especially when it comes to ending toxic relationships with friends. If this sounds like you, don’t feel bad, you’re not alone. As a life coach for women, […]
Tag: friendships
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: With Vaccinations, My Annual Ladies’ Luncheons Resume
With vaccinations rolling out, social gatherings are starting to get back to normal. Check out Dr. Gramma Karen’s recently rekindled annual Ladies’ Luncheon, where she discusses the effects, good and bad, of the pandemic.
Shaping Your Child’s Attitudes about Racial Tolerance
Experts tell us it is never too early to teach our children to be more tolerant and accepting of others. Preschoolers are not colorblind and notice differences early yet they are not intrinsically prejudiced. Our challenge is to help our children stay that way by promoting respect for differences and an appreciation for diversity. Here are some ways to shape your child’s attitudes.