Some products your little ones are playing with might actually contain toxins that are, or in the future, will impact their health and growth. Being aware of what’s in your children’s toys is just as important as knowing what is in the food they eat, and if it goes unnoticed, can be even more harmful.
Tag: Health
Nothing is more important than our health – and that includes moms and children. How to live a healthy and sustainable lifestyle is in the forefront of the resources we provide to parents. There are so many factors in our daily lives that contribute to our overall health – nutrition, environment, products – it is important for us to take a holistic look at how we can better our health in all we do. Our articles provide tips and advice that we can all use to create a better environment for ourselves and our families. Moms move the world; let’s make it a healthier one.
Staying Stress-Free During the Holidays
The holiday season has officially fallen upon us, and in hand with the festive cheer, gathering of family and friends, and holiday music comes a whole lot of stress. According to research from last holiday season, 31 percent of Americans would describe the holiday season as “frantic.” As much as we may like to put on the facade that the holiday season is still a time of cheer, we should face the fact that it’s stressing all of us out.
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Grandparents in the Dark About Grandson’s Situation
Dear Dr. Gramma Karen, My husband and I are very upset. One of our grandsons must be in treatment with this doctor, and we have been left in the dark about it. The close relationships we’ve always thought were so open and close are apparently not what we thought they were.
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: An Interview with Jane Isay
Dr. Gramma Karen: Jane, after I read Donne Davis’s blog about your latest and fourth book, I immediately read it and hoped I would have a chance to interview you. And, happily, here we are!
Rather than focus on the excellent content of your book about grandparenting, I would like to ask you a few questions about the process you went through to write it.
Encouraging Self Care in Your Kids
Oftentimes when we think of self care we think of adults; managing work, taking care of families and everything in between that occurs as our lives mature and evolve. However, children are not exempt from stressors of their own, and they too benefit significantly from self care. As parents, it’s vital to teach our children practical ways to cope with stress and other emotions for a healthy mental well-being that will follow kids into adulthood.
Being a Parent with a Benzodiazepine Addiction
When benzodiazepines were first introduced more than fifty years ago, they were seen as a safer alternative to barbiturates and other forms of sedatives that were known for being very dangerous and addictive. Benzodiazepines simply seemed to be less toxic and less likely to cause a dependence; at least a serious case of dependence.
7 Reasons To Make Weightlifting a Family Activity
Exercise will be something I work to make a fun family activity. But more specifically, I want weightlifting to be something that we as a family do.
23 Scientific Reasons to Celebrate Babywearing
This week is a celebration, but don’t feel bad if you’re not sure why. After all, International Babywearing Week is not as well-known as Christmas or even St. Patrick’s Day.